Monday, December 26, 2011


I did not live the days leading up to the Christmas celebrations as I might have liked to, but everything turned out well. Christmas Eve and Christmas were lovely. I can't find my camera (again!) so I'm waiting on photos from some other folks.

There is a little more celebrating to do this week. Some friends from out of state are coming over for dinner tomorrow, and Friday will be the extended family celebration that has come to be known as Taco Christmas. New Year's Eve won't be the traditional celebration, but I think it will be a laid-back evening of going out to dinner followed by visiting and card-playing.

Today is just deliciously relaxing.

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

The Pressure is Mounting...But Not Really

I have never been so late getting ready...I mean REALLY ready for Christmas. The basics are done. The tree is up (although it could use a few more ornaments.) Most gifts are purchased, and many are wrapped, but I need quite a few more stocking stuffers. The house needs to be cleaned and the food purchased and prepared. We are changing the Christmas Eve menu a bit, so that's a slight complication. The table and other things need to be party-decorated.

I'm having a traditional Christmas season ladies-who-lunch afternoon with a couple of girlfriends today, and I am REALLY looking forward to it. I'm hoping that will kick-start my usual level of enthusiasm (but without the tension.) I've really been having a been-there, done that a million times before feeling this year. I'm hoping the result of that will be less stress and more enjoying-the-moment feelings. We'll see.

Mrs. Santa's Workshop never happened, by the way. The room actually looks like an episode of Hoarders, but I'm hoping I can create the illusion by Christmas Eve.

Saturday, December 17, 2011


1. Holiday preparations are not going as quickly as I would like them to.

2. This is a wonderful video.
It's about vulnerability, given by a person who is very data-driven.